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NJSHS 2023 Winners
The following students won at Symposium competition in February to represent Kentucky!
Vedha Balamurugan
Richard Lian
Summer Li
Amy Chen
Please congratulate them!

ISEF 2023
The following students represented Kentucky at the International Science and Engineering Fair in Atlanta. Congratulations to these duPont Manual Students!!!
Zahra Chasmawala, Valerie Mohrmann ENEV003 - Evaluating Chemically Enhanced Natural Materials for Oil Spill Cleanup
Jilly Choi ROBO003 - Cost-Effective Robotic Arm Prosthesis Integrating Haptic Feedback, EMG Bands, FDM 3D Printing, and Novel Grasp-Type Auto Assistance Using Machine Vision
Justin Huang CHEM014 - Predicting Omicron COVID-19 Positivity using Breath Samples
Sai Javvadi CBIO002 - SquidNet: A Novel GAN-based Architecture for Histopathological Color Normalization
Richard Lian ETSD006 - Decentralized, Autonomous Drone Swarms for Real-Time Mapping Applications and Natural Disaster Relief
Zita Nguyen MCRO018 - The Effect of Distance on Bacteria Growth from Hot Air Drying Machines
Rishabh Ranjan, Gopalaniruddh Tadinada ENBM008 - BioSpec: A Low-Cost Pipeline for Non-Invasive Gastrointestinal Cancer Screening Utilizing miRNA Fluorescence Spectroscopy with High-Efficacy Support Vector Networks
Vallabh Ramesh MATS016 - 4-D Printed Shape Memory Polymer Compositions for Industrial And Robotic Applications
Fun at SciOly Camp